Agents will be accepting applications at the Evergreen Library. No appointment needed! Agentes aceptarán solicitudes de pasaportes en la biblioteca Evergreen. ¡No se necesita cita!
Evergreen Library will be accepting walk-in passport applications all day. We will be accepting applicants from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The event is for new passports only. We cannot process renewals except for minors or if the passport is more than 5 years expired. We will have multiple Spanish-speaking agents available to assist Spanish-speaking applicants. Please call the library or come in and pick up a flyer to learn what documents you need to bring with you to the event. For minor passports, both parents listed on the birth certificate must be present. If that is not possible, please call the library to learn about additional options.
La biblioteca Evergreen aceptará solicitudes de pasaporte sin cita previa durante todo el día. Aceptaremos las solicitudes desde las 10:00 a.m. hasta las 4:30 p.m. El evento es solo para pasaportes nuevos. No podemos procesar renovaciones, excepto para menores de edad o si el pasaporte tiene más de 5 años de vencimiento. Tendremos varios agentes que hablan español para ayudar. Llame a la biblioteca o venga a recoger un folleto para saber qué documentos debe llevar al evento. Para los pasaportes de menores, los padres listados en el certificado de nacimiento deben estar presentes. Si eso no es posible, llame a la biblioteca para obtener información sobre otras opciones.
The Evergreen branch of the Wichita Public Library has been combined with the City of Wichita's District VI Neighborhood Resource Center and community organizations. This facility is located in north Wichita next to Evergreen Park.